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OG0-023認定試験の準備をするために一生懸命勉強して疲れを感じるときには、他の人が何をしているかを知っていますか。あなたと同じIT認定試験を受験する周りの人を見てください。あなたが試験のために不安と感じているとき、どうして他の人が自信満々で、のんびり見ているのでしょうか。あなたの能力は彼らうより弱いですか。もちろんそんなことはないです。では、なぜ他の人が簡単にOG0-023試験に合格することができるかを知りたいですか。それは彼らがJapanCert のOG0-023問題集を利用したからです。この問題集を勉強することだけで楽に試験に合格することができます。信じないのですか。不思議を思っていますか。では、急いで試してください。まず問題集のdemoを体験することができます。そうすれば、この問題集の品質を確認することができます。はやくJapanCertのサイトをクリックしてください。
JapanCert提供した商品の品質はとても良くて、しかも更新のスピードももっともはやくて、もし君はThe Open GroupのOG0-021の認証試験に関する学習資料をしっかり勉強して、成功することも簡単になります。
NO.1 The following diagram shows an example of the use of the Migration viewpoint: Which of the
following best describes a reason for using this viewpoint?
A. To model the management of architecture change
B. To help determine the priorities of implementation projects
C. To relate programs and projects to the parts of the architecture that they implement
D. To help in planning the transition from the current architecture to a desired future architecture
Answer: D
The Open Group取得 OG0-021 OG0-021関節 OG0-021赤本
10. According to the ISO/IEC 40210 standard, which of the following statements is NOT correct?
A. A view conforms to a viewpoint
B. A viewpoint always addresses one or more stakeholders
C. A concern is always important to one or more stakeholders
D. A viewpoint always covers exactly one concern
Answer: D
The Open Group教育 OG0-021 OG0-021教本 OG0-021教科書 OG0-021問題
NO.2 Which application layer concept is defined as a passive element?
A. Application component
B. Application function r
C. Data object
D. Business object
Answer: C
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NO.3 Consider the following diagram:
What does the diagram express about the Underwriting Application?
A. It has three distinct components
B. It processes three different types of data objects
C. It performs three different functions
D. It groups together three components that are not a part of the Underwriting Application
Answer: C
The Open Group問題集 OG0-021模擬 OG0-021取得 OG0-021関節
NO.4 Which of the following statements about ArchiMate viewpoint classification is correct?
A. There are three purpose dimensions and three abstraction levels
B. There are two purpose dimensions and three abstraction layers
C. There are four purpose dimensions and two abstraction levels
D. There are three purpose dimensions and four abstraction layers
Answer: A
The Open Group特典 OG0-021ガイド OG0-021短期 OG0-021 OG0-021ふりーく OG0-021認定証
NO.5 The following diagram shows a typical group of stakeholders: Which ArchiMate viewpoint
abstraction level would support these stakeholders for the purpose of change management?
A. Coherence
B. Designing
C. Details
D. Overview
Answer: D
The Open Group OG0-021特典 OG0-021過去問 OG0-021認証試験
NO.6 Consider the following symbol, which represents information about a transformation project
at ArchiSurance. Note that premium in this context means the total revenue ArchiSurance receives
from legal services insurance premium payments:
Which of the following statements correctly expresses the meaning of the symbol?
A. ArchiSurance has attributed a 15% increase in premium to the transformation project in 2012
B. The increased premium revenue created by completion of the transformation project will
motivate significant change in the ArchiSurance Legally Yours division
C. ArchiSurance has set a goal to increase legal services premium by 15% in 2012, as compared to
the previous year
D. ArchiSurance has a requirement to increase legal services premium by 15% in 2012
Answer: C
The Open Group番号 OG0-021問題 OG0-021短期 OG0-021認定
NO.7 Consider the following diagram representing part of a key PRO-FIT capability: self-service
online price quotes for its auto insurance customers:
Which of the following answers best interprets this diagram?
A. The Self-Service Quote Solution is an application service that uses four separate application
B. The Self-Service Quote Solution is an application collaboration that includes four application
components that work together
C. The Self-Service Quote Solution is an application component that accesses four different types of
data objects
D. The Self-Service Quote Solution is an application component that collaborates with four service
Answer: B
The Open Group参考書 OG0-021 OG0-021認定資格 OG0-021教本 OG0-021
NO.8 Which of the following phases of the TOGAF ADM correspond most closely to the ArchiMate
Motivation Extension?
A. Preliminary, Architecture Vision, Requirements Management
B. Opportunities and Solutions, Migration Planning, Implementation Governance
C. Architecture Change Management
D. Business Architecture, Information Systems Architectures, Technology Architecture
Answer: A
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