




IIA-CIA-Part4試験番号:IIA-CIA-Part4 全真問題集
試験科目:「Certified Internal Auditor - Part 4, Business Management Skills」






NO.1 Dutch researcher Geert Hofstede has examined the cultural dimensions of organizational
behavior in 40 countries. The United States ranked the highest in which dimension?
A. Power distance.
B. Uncertainty avoidance.
C. Individualism.
D. Masculinity.
Answer: C

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The individualism-collectivism dimension addresses whether the organization or individual must
meet his/her own security needs.

NO.2 Many factors cause firms to overbuild, resulting in industry overcapacity. The structural
factor that may lead to overbuilding is:
A. A reduction in supplier prices.
B. A shallow learning curve.
C. An absence of exit barriers.
D. The presence of a strong market leader.
Answer: A

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Suppliers of capital, equipment, materials, etc., face their own competitive pressures. Thus, lower
supplier prices, government subsidies, favorable interest rates, and similar incentives may promote
expansion by customer industries.

NO.3 Which of the following concepts is not consistent with a successful authoritarian organization?
A. Each subordinate should only have one superior.
B. Superiors may have as many subordinates as possible within the superior's span of control.
C. Responsibility may be delegated.
D. The hierarchy of authority should be precisely defined.
Answer: C

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Taylor, Fayol, and other traditionalists advocated the creation of authoritarian organizations. One of
the criteria for success was the ability to delegate authority but not responsibility. Responsibility
should always remain with the person who made the decision.

NO.4 Which of the following factors is least typical of an industry that faces intense competitive
A. Price-cutting.
B. Large advertising budgets.
C. Frequent introduction of new products.
D. A high threat of substitutes.
Answer: D

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A high threat of substitutes reduces the attractiveness of an industry. It tends to increase the price
elasticity of demand and therefore limits price increases and profit margins. If other factors are
constant, fewer entrants result in less intense competition.

NO.5 Some studies show that managers spend 60 to 70% of their time communicating and that
nearly 60% of that time is spent listening. Listening effectiveness is best increased by:
A. Resisting both internal and external distractions.
B. Waiting to review key concepts until the speaker is through talking.
C. Tuning out messages that do not seem to fit the meeting purpose.
D. Factoring in biases to evaluate the information being given.
Answer: A

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Concentrating on what the speaker is saying is critical to effective listening. This result is best
achieved by resisting internal and external distractions. Physical distractions such as noise, a
tendency to be overly aware of the speaker's physical and other differences from the listener,
focusing on interesting details at the expense of major points, or emotional reactions to a statement
with which the listener disagrees should be avoided.

NO.6 The General Electric (GE) portfolio model for competitive analysis of strategic business units
(SBUs) should be compared with the Boston Consulting Croup's growth-share matrix. The GE model:
A. Is a matrix with two variables:relative market share and market growth rate.
B. Calculates an index for each of its two variables.
C. Considers such factors for business strength as market size, growth rate, and price levels.
D. Considers such factors for market attractiveness as market share, growth rate, and marketing
Answer: B

IIA資格   IIA-CIA-Part4   IIA-CIA-Part4費用
The GE model is a multifactor portfolio matrix with two variables. Business strength or competitive
position (BUS) is on one axis, and market attractiveness (MAT) is on the other. BUS is classified as
strong, medium, or weak, and MAT is classified as high, medium, or low. Thus, the matrix in this
model is 3 x 3 and has nine cells. SBUs are shown in the matrix as circles. Circle size is directly
proportional to the size of the related market, with a shaded portion in the circle that represents
the SBU's market share. To measure BUS and MAT, the firm must isolate the multiple factors
affecting each, quantify them, and create an index. Factors will vary with each business. The
measurements will provide the values on the axes of the matrix.

NO.7 The creation of regional free trade zones is a global phenomenon. Trade barriers are lowered
in these areas, and other steps are taken to promote economic cooperation. For example, a
common currency has been adopted by the nations of:
B. Mercosul.
D. The European Union.
Answer: D

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The European Union (Eli) is a collection of 27 European nations that have lowered trade barriers
among member states, and most of the nations share a common currency and trade policy. The
euro is the common currency of the European Union.

NO.8 Which of the following is least likely to be an example of synergy?
A. A shopping mall with several businesses providing different products and performing different
B. A car dealership providing warranties on automobile parts to maximize customer value.
C. A manufacturing company hiring a new manager with technological experience lacking in the
D. Military Humvees being converted into sports utility vehicles for sale to civilians.
Answer: B

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Synergy occurs when the combination of formerly separate elements has a greater effect than the
sum of their individual effects.
However, a car dealership's provision of warranties reflects anoperational strategy designed to
provide post-purchase services to gain a competitive advantage and maximize customer value. It
does not reflect the complementary sharing of resources, technology, or competencies. In contrast,
synergy arises from selling a line of carsthat share some components or abrand identification.

