NO.1 Which three are true about eCheck?
A. The sender's PayPal account contains one or more bank accounts but no linked credit card.
B. A payment is still an eCheck even though the sender has enough PayPal balance in his/her account.
C. An eCheck payment cannot be refunded with the Refund API of Adaptive Payments.
D. Sender and primary receiver of a chained payment cannot use eCheck.
E. Funding of an eCheck is not available right away in the receiver's account, since PayPal needs to wait
for the sender's bank to clear it first.
Answer: A,D,E
PayPal練習問題 P11-101 P11-101関節 P11-101費用 P11-101フリーク
NO.2 You want to hard set the shipping in the HTML code for your non-hosted cleartext PayPal add-tocart
button to $0.99 for an item and each additional quantity of the same item.
Which two of the following variables could you use?
A. item_shipping_1
B. item_shipping_2
C. ship_amt_1
D. ship_amt_2
E. shipping
F. shipping2
Answer: E,F
PayPal P11-101関節 P11-101勉強法 P11-101 P11-101教材
NO.3 When the data passed back to PayPal to check on its authenticity through IPN is not the same as the
data sent from PayPal you get a response of a single word. What word is that?
Answer: C
PayPal受験記 P11-101 P11-101教育 P11-101対策
NO.4 What does "authorization" mean in the context of credit card processing?
A. Process of collecting a payment from a customer's credit card
B. Process of obtaining customer's consent for payment
C. Verification of availability of funds from customer's credit card
D. None of the above
Answer: C
PayPal P11-101費用 P11-101 P11-101 P11-101書籍
NO.5 When setting the value for the variable cmd. which of the following is not a valid value?
A. _cart
B. _xclick
C. _xclick-auto-billing
D. _xclick-donations
E. _xclick-subscriptions
Answer: D
PayPal過去問 P11-101 P11-101 P11-101ふりーく P11-101問題
NO.6 When using Express Checkout, what is the proper URL to use to direct the customer to PayPa after a
successful SetExpressCheckout API call.?
A. https://www.pavpal.com/webscr?token=
B. https://vw/w.pavpal.com/cqi-bin/webscr?token=
C. https://www.paypal.com/expresscheckout?token=
D. https://www.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=
Answer: D
PayPal問題 P11-101 P11-101入門 P11-101 P11-101フリーク
NO.7 What is the correct sequence of these operations for executing an Instant Update API call?
1. POST shipping options to PayPal
2. Extract shipping address token from Instant Update message
3. API call to postal carrier to calculate rate based on shipping address
4. Call GetExpressCheckoutDetails to obtain buyer's shipping options
A. 2, 4, 3, 1
B. 4, 1, 2, 3
C. 4.2, 3, 1
D. 2, 3, 1, 4
Answer: D
PayPal学習 P11-101ガイド P11-101関節 P11-101 P11-101入門
NO.8 When executing a DoCapture API call, what value should you pass as the authorization ID parameter?
A. authorizationId=<correlationId>
B. authorizationId=<authorizationId>
C. authorizationId=<orderId>
D. authorizationId=<transactionId>
Answer: D
PayPal P11-101種類 P11-101練習 P11-101試験 P11-101赤本